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The Massachusetts mother who strangled her three children and tried to kill herself appeared in court virtually today from her hospital bed as her attorneys revealed she is paralyzed. 

Lindsay Clancy, 32, is charged with three counts of premeditated murder for strangling her three kids on January 24 at their family home in Duxbury, Massachusetts. 

Clancy's attorneys say she was severely depressed, suffering with post-partum depression and even psychosis, caused by a cocktail of prescription drugs that turned her into a 'shell' of herself and robbed her of her personality and ability to feel emotions. 

They say Lindsay told her husband - who has forgiven her - she heard a 'man's voice' telling her to kill the children and then herself because it was her 'last choice'. 

Prosecutors today launched a merciless prosecution, claiming she was well aware of what she was doing and that she even planned it out.  

Clancy remains in the hospital after trying to take her own life; she slit her wrists and jumped from a top floor window of her home after strangling her kids, Cora, five, Dawson, three, and Callan, eight months

They told the court she had been behaving normally in the days before the incident, and that she had only referred to having slight 'post-partum anxiety' in notes found on her iPhone. 

They also referred to notes where she described 'resenting' the older two children because they stopped her from 'loving Callan like he was her first baby'. 

Prosecutors say she deliberately sent her husband out to a takeout restaurant that was far enough away from the home to give her time to kill the kids, and even researched how long it would take him to drive there and back using Google Maps.

They also noted that she would have had to have strangled each child for several minutes with the exercise bands in order for them to stop breathing.  

'The bands had to have been squeezing their minds for several minutes. 

 She is not OK, at all... she's paraplegic, unable to move her legs or feel sensation... she is paralyzed

'She could have changed her mind,' they said, calling it a 'premeditated' crime with a 'extreme cruelty'. 

They say the first thing Lindsay asked doctors in the hospital was whether she needed a lawyer, using a pen and whiteboard to scrawl out the question because she was intubated at the time. 

They also claimed she'd been behaving normally all day before the attack, taking her kids to the pediatrician and then playing with them at the house. 

Lindsay was denied bond but will be allowed to stay in hospital before being transferred to a rehab center. She was ordered to surrender her passport. 

After attacking the children, Lindsay slit her wrists and then jumped from her bedroom window, landing in the family's backyard. 

She suffered several spine fractures and is now a paraplegic, her attorney said.

'She is not OK, at all. She suffered several, severe spine fractions. She is not expected to recover meaningful function below that level of the spinal chord. 

Lindsay Clancy with her husband Patrick and their oldest children, Cora, five, and Dawson, three. She 

After strangling the kids, Lindsay tried to cut her own wrists. She then jumped from a window at the family home. Baby Callan, eight months, died in the hospital. Cora and Dawson died at home

'She's paraplegic, unable to move her legs or feel sensation. She is paralyzed.

awakening; this is also the recommended dose for debilitated adults. Each of the following is associated with acute tubular necrosis, except. Another reason many mothers are hesitant to sleep with their babies is that their doctors advise them not to. Vomiting, headache, dizziness, drowsiness.
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Clinical Trials of Zolpidem in the Elderly. Although Medicare recently changed its rules to allow for wider coverage of off-label uses of cancer drugs, insurers do not always pay for an unapproved, or unproven, product. Therefore, if someone has

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